Elise Laurin (T-1)


In April [1996] Turkey-1 lost two of Peace Corps/Turkey’s original members, Elise Lauren and Erik Olson.

Elise was a graduate of Robinson Female Seminary in Exeter, N.H. and Ohio Wesleyan University in 1959.  She worked and traveled extensively in Europe, served as a TEFL teacher in Adapazari and Malatya in 1962 – 64, and worked on an Israeli kibbutz in 1966 and 1967.

Upon her return to the U.S. Elise taught at Groveton Elementary in Groveton, N.H., at Jefferson Academy in Winston-Salem, N.C., and taught English to Vietnamese refugee in  Lawrence, Mass.  Her last position was at the Nevins Memorial Library in Methuen, Mass.

It would be impossible to summarize the Elise Laurin I knew for 34 years. What I will always remember is her inner strength and reverence for life and humankind; her strong individualism and her cosmopolitan interest in so many things . . . politics, world affairs, books, art and music.  From Salem, N.H. she maintained a continuing correspondence with a worldwide network of friends.  For recipients of her many thoughtful communications, there was always a carefully selected quotation or life-thought. Elise cared and expressed that caring in many ways.  Safe journey and shalom, Elise.  — Dave Weinman, April, 1996

Association of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and Friends of Turkey