April 7, 2006
Barbara Konkle Kelly, T-17, died April 7, 2006. She served 1969-1970 at the University of Istanbul Medical School, Cocuk Psikiologie Clinigi. Later she graduated from law school and established two businesses: Konkle Legal Research Services that focused on probate, conservatorships, trust and elder abuse; and Elder Care Associates, serving as a fiduciary. She lived in the San Francisco area and was associated with the Turkish Education Foundation which provides scholarships for Turkish students. She said of her Peace Corps years: “The years spent in the Peace Corps were some of the best of my life. I made lifelong friends both in-country and within the organization.”
This from the Turkey-17 training “mug book:”
Barbara Konkle is from Honolulu, Hawaii. After graduating from Kalani High School, she attend Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. Subsequently she took courses at the University of Hawaii and graduated from San Francisco State College. Her major was child clinical psychology. She hopes to eventually work with retarded and emotionally disturbed children. [She has] a special interest in vocal music which will probably be used as an important tool in therapy. She is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon, a music honorary sorority, and the Student Council for Exceptional Children, a group dedicated to improving the conditions of such children. She will use her two years in the Peace Corps, in addition to aiding another culture, to learn more of childhood development and gain practical experience in her field before returning to school for further study.